Myrra Kate

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When Is the Best Time to Create a Course?

Are you uncertain about the right time to create your online course? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this blog post and in the video below, we'll answer your burning question and provide valuable insights. Many people face the same concern, so let's address it together. So… when is the best time to create an online course?

Well, Really… The Best Time is NOW!

If you've been contemplating creating a course for a while, it's time to stop procrastinating and take the leap. There's a reason why God places desires in our hearts. If you're feeling frustrated and have the urge to help or teach others, it may be a sign that you're meant to be the solution in that area. Have faith and follow His instructions.

Why Is Now The Best Time to Create a Course?

Market Growth

The global online learning industry is projected to reach $325 billion by 2025, according to Global Industry Analysts. The digitalization of education, especially during the pandemic, has led to a significant boom in online courses.

Flexibility and Convenience

With more people working remotely and desiring flexible learning options, online courses have become increasingly popular. Learners can access courses at their own pace and convenience, as long as they have an internet connection.

Diverse Topics

Online courses cover a wide range of subjects, from business and marketing to hobbies like photography, parenting, and more. If you have a passion or skill, there's likely an audience seeking to learn from you.

Prompting Questions For You to Consider:

If you're still thinking about whether this is the right time for you to create an online course, consider these prompts:

  • Do you have a talent, skill, or passion that you want to share or teach other people with? For example, photography. What about it? Can you teach wedding photography to people who want to become wedding photographers or couples who want to DIY their wedding photoshoots? Do you want to teach portrait photography? Whatever it is, you can turn it into a course, especially if you know there are people needing help or wanting to learn it!

  • Do you have a business or are you a service provider? If you are a social media manager, perhaps you have people asking you how you started your social media management business? That is a great course idea in itself! Maybe you're coaching about fitness or mindset and you want to scale your impact from one-on-one because it's taking too much of your time? With a course, you can serve MORE people in LESS time!

  • Do you have an audience online? Maybe you're an influencer or a blogger. Have you tried asking your audience what they want to learn from you? If not, try do an Instagram poll! From their answers, find a pattern and from there, you can identify what your course will be about.

Now is the Time to Create Your Course!

Join the wave of online course creators and unlock the potential for increased income and impact. Create a course that aligns with your passion, serves a specific need, and provides valuable knowledge to eager learners. Discover the sweet spot of making a difference without compromising your time.

Ready to Get Started? Book a Call with Me!

If you need guidance and support throughout the course creation process or you want to outsource your course creation because you lack the time, consider booking a call with me here. Please note that these consultations are specifically for individuals committed to creating their courses.

Remember, the best time to create a course is NOW. Don't wait any longer to make an impact and share your expertise with the world!

For additional course creation tips and insights, subscribe to our newsletter and receive our free case study, "Road To Your Course Success: Discover How My Client Made an Additional $15K+ In Her Coaching Business By Turning Her God-Given Expertise Into an Online Course." Download your copy today by clicking the photo above!

Thank you for reading, and we look forward to supporting you on your course creation journey!